Apology Statement
If you find the information of this site is tediously long and bad organized, especially in some parts of Home page, nearly all Tech & News pages, Products pages. Don't feel strange and We apologize for it!
This site is a such called SEO website which is designed originally for Google crawler search more than for Human reading, so quite tediously and bad organized for human. Don't be misunderstanding, Googel doesn't suggest it. But due to some reasons, we made it like this anyway. We are trying to improve it now into a more balanced point for both Human reading and Google crawler search.
If you are looking for a factory producing stadium seating, telescopic seating, auditorium seating, and etc with not-bad quality and low cost. You can contact us for our catalogue to have a more clearly and reasonable idea about our projects, products, service, factory and etc, by the email or inquiry form or telephone or online service on this website.
Very sorry for the inconvenient and many thanks for your understanding!